In the era of Modernity, the access to health care provided by official medicine became one of the established human rights. It appeared however that in contributing to the human right to the “highest attainable status of health” official medicine was violating patients’ human rights. The source of that violation was embedded in the fundamental concepts of Modern medicine: objectivism, reductionism and mechanical determinism. Namely, these three concepts led to the development of medical theory and practice within which technology was everything and the treated human being - “nothing”. In the dawn of Post-modernity the other approach to treatment is emerging. Instead on a Cartesian , it is based on a Holographic paradigm. Fundamental concepts of that approach are: objective/subjective, holism and personal responsibility. These concepts are enabling treated human beings do develop into co-creators of their health. In addition, they are emphasizing that the respect of human rights which we could name Postmodern should be the new conditio sine qua non of a professional health care