This research investigates the use of social media, particularly Twitter, as a part of the conversations of Indonesians in the virtual world. The roles of the @MuhammadiyahGL and @NUgarislucu accounts will be seen as objects that play a significant role in responding to political and religious issues on Twitter. As we know, Islamic community organizations, such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama, are considered to have strategic roles, both in political and religious issues. This situation is increasingly relevant when in 2019, Indonesia has just completed a presidential election. The process of political contestation has now involved social media as a campaign tool, including the presidential election itself. This research shows how the @MuhammadiyahGL and @Nugarislucu Twitter accounts respond to political and religious issues in Indonesia in a comical way. In this way, both accounts are indirectly reducing the tension that occurs in Indonesian society triggered by political and religious issues.