Abstrak_Pola hidup baru akibat wabah perlu diwujudkan pada desain arsitektur. Pola hidup baru hendaknya terwujud pada desain bangunan sehingga penghuni rumah selalu dalam keadaan aman dan sehat. Penelitian ini ditujukan sebagai berikut: pertama, untuk memformulasikan prinsip-prinsip desain rumah sederhana yang berkompromi dengan pandemi Covid-19; kedua, untuk mengusulkan aplikasi prinsip-prinsip tersebut dengan menggunakan satu contoh desain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data sekunder dalam penelitian ini antara lain konsep ruangan, konsep rumah, sirkulasi cahaya, akses higienitas, dan rumah modern minimalis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan kajian Pustaka. Teknik analisis data dilaksanakan dengan cara data direduksi, data disajikan, dan data disimpulkan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan sebagai berikut: pertama, formulasi rumah sederhana yang berkompromi dengan Covid-19 didesain dengan cara rumah berkonsep terbuka, rumah modern minimalis, akses higienitas, sirkulasi udara dan pencahayaan; kedua, pengusulan aplikasi prinsip-prinsip pada desain rumah sederhana yang berkompromi dengan pandemi covid-19 diwujudkan dengan cara wastafel diletakkan di fasad; akses rumah dibuat efektif; fasad memanfaatkan teknologi rumah pintar; ruangan tanpa tembokan pemisah dan bukaan jendela besar berkaca; fasad bangunan tidak berventilasi; interior serta fasad bangunan didesain minimalis.
Kata kunci: Formulasi Rumah Covid-19; Aplikasi Rumah Covid-19; Modern Minimalis; Akses Higienitas; Ruangan Terbuka.
Abstract_The new lifestyle due to the epidemic needs to be realized in architectural design. The new lifestyle should be manifested in the design of the building so that the occupants of the house are always safe and healthy. This research is aimed as follows: first, to formulate the principles of simple home design that compromises the Covid-19 pandemic; second, to propose an application of these principles using one design example. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach. Sources of secondary data in this study include the concept of a room, the concept of a house, light circulation, access to hygiene, and a minimalist modern house. The data collection technique was carried out by means of a literature study. The data analysis technique was carried out by reducing the data, presenting the data, and inferring the data. Based on the results of this study, it is concluded as follows: first, the formulation of a simple house that compromises with Covid-19 is designed by means of an open-concept house, a minimalist modern house, access to hygiene, air circulation and lighting; second, proposing the application of principles to simple house designs that compromise the covid-19 pandemic, which is realized by placing the sink on the facade; home access made effective; facades utilizing smart home technology; rooms without dividing walls and large glass window openings; the facade of the building is not ventilated; The interior and facade of the building are minimalist in design.
Keywords: Covid-19 Home Formulation; Covid-19 Home App; Modern Minimalist; Access To Hygiene; Open Room.