“…Real time PCR amplification reaction mixture (25 l) contained 12.5 l of 2ϫ SYBR Green PCR master mix following the Bio-Rad protocol, 5 l of diluted RT product (1:20), and 0.5 M sense and antisense primer sets. The primer sequences of Has1/2/3 (29), and GAPDH (30) are as follows: Col1␣1 (m), forward, 5Ј-gagccctcgcttccgtactc-3Ј, and reverse, 5Ј-tgttccctactcagccgtctgt-3Ј; Has1 (m), forward, 5Ј-gaggcctggtacaaccaaaag-3Ј, and reverse, 5Ј-ctcaaccaacgaaggaaggag-3Ј; Has2 (m), forward, 5Ј-gagcaccaaggttctgcttc-3Ј, and reverse, 5Ј-ctctccatacggcgagagtc-3Ј; Has3 (m) forward, 5Ј-tggacccagcctgcaccattg-3Ј, and reverse, 5Ј-cccgctccacgttgaaagccat-3Ј; GAPDH (m), forward, 5Ј-tgtcatcatacttggcaggtttct-3Ј, and reverse, 5Ј-catggccttccgtgttccta-3Ј.…”