“…Let H be a real Hilbert space with the inner product 〈•, •〉 and norm ‖ • ‖ and C be a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of H. Recall that a mapping A: C ⟶ H is said to be monotone if 〈Au − Av, u − v〉 ≥ 0 for all u, v ∈ C [18,19]. A mapping A is said to be α-strongly monotone whenever there exists a positive real number α such that 〈Au − Av, u − v〉 ≥ α‖u − v‖ 2 for all u, v ∈ C. A mapping A is said to be α-inverse strongly monotone if there exists a positive real number α such that 〈Au − Av, u − v〉 ≥ α‖Au − Av‖ 2 for all u, v ∈ C. Recall that the classical variational inequality problem, which we denote by VI(C, A), is to find x ∈ C such that 〈Ax, y − x〉 ≥ 0, for all y ∈ C [16,17].…”