“…Time is wasted that could be better used for correct application of methods, quality control, and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of model results. Data integration and access to data have been a longstanding topic in the IE literature, both in case studies and in theory and database development (Davis, Chmieliauskas, Dijkema, & Nikolic, , ; Frischknecht, ; Hertwich et al., ; Lenzen et al., ; Lupton & Allwood, ; Merciai & Schmidt, ; Murakami, Oguchi, Tasaki, Daigo, & Hashimoto, ; Myers, Fishman, Reck, & Graedel, ; Pauliuk, Majeau‐Bettez, Hertwich, & Müller, ; Weidema, ). For example, the integration of material flow data with input–output (IO) models has a strong tradition (Hoekstra & van den Bergh, ; Merciai & Schmidt, ; Nakamura & Kondo, ; Nakamura, Nakajima, Kondo, & Nagasaka, , ; Ohno, Nuss, Chen, & Graedel, ).…”