The field reversed configuration (FRC), such as studied in the C-2W experiment at TAE Technologies, is an attractive candidate for realizing a nuclear fusion reactor. In an FRC, kinetic ion effects play the majority role in macroscopic stability, which allows global stability studies to make use of fluid-kinetic hybrid (also referred to as Ohm's law) models wherein ions are treated kinetically while electrons are treated as a fluid. The development and validation of such a hybrid particle-in-cell algorithm in the Exascale Computing Project code WarpX are reported here. Implementation of this model in the WarpX framework benefits from the numerical efficiency of WarpX as well as its scalability on large HPC systems and portability to different architectures. Performance benchmarks of the new algorithm for large, 3-dimensional, full device simulations from the Perlmutter supercomputer are presented. Results of a series of FRC simulations are discussed in which the impact of two-fluid effects on the tilt-mode growth rate was studied. It was observed that, in agreement with previous Hall-MHD studies, two-fluid effects have a stabilizing impact on the tilt mode.