We establish constructive conditions for the bifurcation of solutions and construct an iteration procedure for finding solutions of a linear Noether boundary-value problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with pulse action in the critical case. We obtain an estimate for the range of values of a small parameter for which the iteration procedure converges.
Linear Unperturbed ProblemConsider the problem of finding a solution z 0satisfying the boundary condition [1-3]Lz 0 (·) = α, i = 1, 2, . . . , p,where A i (t) are n×n matrices continuous on the segments [a; τ 1 ], [τ 1 ; τ 2 ], . . . , [τ p ; b], Lz(·) is a linear bounded vector functional of the formare linear bounded functionals, the vector function f (t) is continuous (except for the points τ i , at which the function f (t) may have discontinuities of the first kind), and α ∈ R m . Problem (1), (2) is a generalization of a series of boundary-value problems [1, 2, 4-8] for impulsive systems with switchings. On the other hand, problem (1), (2) is a special case of hybrid systems [9, 10].