Abstract. The pfg-NMR diffusion technique is proposed to have an appreciable potential for future biophysical investigations in the field of membrane biology. Topics like transport of molecules both across and in the plane of the membrane can be successfully studied, as well as the formation of lipid domains and their intrinsic dynamics can be scrutinized. This short review will introduce the fundamental aspects of orientation dependent NMR interactions and the technique of macroscopically oriented bilayers for eliminating the unwanted effects of those interactions. The pfg-NMR technique will be briefly introduced and finally, some recent results illustrating the potential of the method are presented.
Orientation dependent NMR interactionsThe NMR spectrum for a general spin system is determined by the spin Hamiltonian, H, which consists of a number of interaction terms, of which the following four terms are of interest:where H Z is the Zeeman term and the next three terms represent the static interactions. The static interactions have a common scaling term, (1/2)(3 cos 2 θ − 1), which is the second Legendre polynomial, P 2 (θ), where θ is an angle that relates the principle coordinate system of the specific interaction to the main magnetic field (B 0 ) [12]. This will have the following effects on the observed NMR spectrum:-H CSA -The chemical shift anisotropy that represents the effect of induced magnetic fields due to orbital electronic motions, i.e. the chemical shift. Will change the chemical shift of the spectrum with a factor proportional to P 2 (θ). -H Q -The quadrupole interaction between the nuclear quadrupole moment and the surrounding electric field gradient. Will scale the quadrupolar coupling constant observed for nuclei with spin > 1/2 according to P 2 (θ). -H D -The dipolar interaction that represents the magnetic interaction between dipoles. Due to simultaneous coupling to several different dipoles this term will give rise to a linebroadening, which is proportional to P 2 (θ).For cos θ = 1/ √ 3, i.e. θ = 54.7 • , the scaling term (1/2)(3 cos 2 θ − 1) becomes zero and the static interactions "magically" disappear. This condition is generally hard to obtain since θ is distributed randomly in a non-oriented sample so one has to use special techniques in order to remove the static interactions. In the commonly used solid-state NMR technique, where magic angle spinning (MAS) is utilized, the sample is transferred into a rotor that can be spun at very high spinning rates. spinning of the sample causes all the static interactions to be projected onto the spinning axis of the rotor, which is then turned to the magic angle (54.7 • ) with respect to B 0 , thereby removing all the static interactions in the sample [16]. For liquid crystalline bilayers, on the other hand, the fast lateral reorientation and intermolecular rotation about the long axis of the molecules takes the role of the rotor and partially averages the interactions to leave only the part that is parallel to the normal with the bilayer. Thus...