In the current paper, an investigation of a solenoid common-rail injector has been carried out to understand the hydraulic interactions between close-coupled injections events. For this purpose, a one-dimensional model of the injector was developed on GT-Suite software. The geometrical and hydraulic characteristics of the internal elements of the injector, needed to construct the model, were obtained by means of different custom-made experimental tools. The dynamic behavior of the injector was characterized using an EVI Rate of Injection meter. The hydraulic results from the model show a good alignment with the experiments for single injections, and a varied degree of success for multiple injections. Once the model was validated, it has been used to understand the injector performance under multiple injection strategies. The mass of a second injection has shown to highly depend on the electrical dwell time, especially at low values, mostly due to the dynamic pressure behavior in the needle seat. The critical dwell time, defined as the minimum electrical dwell time needed to obtain two independent injection events, has been numerically obtained on a wide range of operating conditions and correlated to injection pressure and energizing time of the first injection. Finally, the increase in the needle opening velocity of the second injection compared to the single-injection case has been analyzed for close-coupled injection events.