This paper presents the development, calibration and verification of a looped river network model. After introducing the governing equations, the established numerical model is calibrated employing measurements conducted on the Danube River and its two main tributaries in Serbia, the Sava and Tisa rivers. The calibration is done by altering the Strickler's coefficient using three different approaches, assigning a constant value of the coefficient in a cross section, setting the coefficient as a function of discharge and, finally, connecting the Strickler's coefficient to local depth. The verification is conducted by comparing the computed results, for all three of the considered methods, with measurements for the time interval from January 1st to December 31st of the year 2006. Careful examination of the obtained results helped to select the most suitable calibration method for future reference. The selected approach gave better agreement of computed and measured values, has a clear physical explanation and enables faster and easier calibration.