C 110 H 90 Cl 10 Fe 4 O 10 P 6 ,triclinic, P1 (no. 2), a =10.672(7) Å, b =15.74(1) Å, c =16.71(1) Å, a =78.803(8)°, b =85.771(9)°, g =81.857(9)°, V =2722.4 Å 3 , Z =1,
Source of materialStarting materials and solvents for synthesis were purchased commercially and used as received.
Experimental detailsAllHatoms on Catoms were generated geometrically andrefined as riding with d(C-H) =0.95 Åand U iso (H) =1.2 U eq (O). Three Cl atomso ft he FeCl 4 are disordered over two equivalent positions.
DiscussionThe preparation of inorganic-organic hybrid coordination complexes has received much attention due to their potential applications as functional materials [1,2]. Solvo(hydro)thermal synthesis has rapidly developed over the past several years due to its effectiveness,s implicity and environmental friendliness [3]. In order to synthetize new inorganic-organic hybrid material, we synthetized the title complex by hydrothermalmethod and report here. In thetitle crystal structure, each Fe of adimer is coordinated in a distortedo ctahedronb yt wo oxygen atoms from oxalate, three oxygen atomsfrom Ph 3 PO (triphenylphosphine oxide) and one chlorine atom.T he asymmetric unit contains half of ad imer, which is one Fe, half oxalate, one chlorine and three Ph 3 PO molecules, andthere is oneneutral molecule perunitcell. Thebond angles ÐO3-Fe1-O5 are less than 90°and ÐCl-Fe-O are more than9 0°.T he three Ph 3 PO molecules bind to the Fe from the direction nearly perpendicular to the FeOCl plane with the bond angles ÐO-Fe-O (Ph 3 PO) being less than 90°and ÐCl-Fe-O (Ph 3 PO) more than 90°.