The pyrolysis of diethylmercury has been studied in a toluene carrier flow system from 601 to 673 "K using total pressures of 1.04 to 7.75 mm. The progress of the reaction was followed by measuring the amounts of unreacted alkyl. Partial solution of butane in the toluene condensed at the outlet of the reactor made full product analysis difficult. Complete analysis in a number of runs did yield a good material balance between alkyl decomposed and C4Hlo + f(C2Hs + C2H4 + n-propylbenzene).
IHg (CzH5) 2CzH5 + CzH4 + CzHs The Arrhenius equation for reaction 1, log kl(s-') = 15.4 -(45 700 + 1 000)/2.3 RT, is in excellent agreement with that estimated by Benson and O'Neal. Based on a number of simplifying approximations, log k,(cm3 mol-' s-') = 10.9 -(9 300 rt 2 000)/2.3 RT. The estimated disproportionation to combination ratio, k5/k4 = 0.09 -0.12 is in good agreement with earlier work.Approximate correction of El to absolute zero yields D(CzH5Hg-CzH5) = 43.7 kcal mol-I and therefore by difference D(Hg-C2H5) = 6.5 kcal mol-l.La pyrolyse du diBthylmercure a Ct B Btudiie dans un systtme ou le courant porteur est le tolutne, entre 601 et 673 "K et en utilisant des pressions totales de 1.04 a 7.75 mm. L'avancement de la reaction est suivie en mesurant la quantite d'alkyle n'ayant pas rkagi. La condensation de solution de butane dans le tolutne, a la sortie du reacteur, rend dificile I'analyse compltte des produits. L'analyse compltte sur plusieurs essais, donne un bon Cquilibre au point de vue produit entre la decomposition de I'alkyle et C4H10 + 3(CZH6 + CZH4 + n-propylbenzene) approximatives log k3 (cm3 mol-Is-') = 10.9 -(9 300 + 2 000)/2.3RT. L'estimation du rapport dismutation sur combinaison, k5/k4 = 0.09 -0.12 est en bon accord avec un travail prkckdent.L'extrapolation approximative de El ou zero absolu donne D(C2H5Hg-C2H5) = 43.7 kcal mol-l d'ob par diffkrence D(Hg-C2H5) = 6.5 kcal mol-'.