Reduction reactions in practical bimetallic platinum-cobalt electrode catalyst precursors containing platinum, cobalt and cobalt oxides in hydrogen at 200, 450 and 700 °C for 6 h have been studied in situ using an aberration corrected environmental (scanning) transmission electron microscope (AC E(S)TEM). Little difference was observed in reduction at 200 °C but during and after reduction at 450 °C, small nanoparticles less than 3 nm in diameter with tetragonal PtCo structures were observed and limited Pt Co ordering could be seen on the surfaces of larger nanoparticles. During and after reduction at 700 °C, fully ordered Pt Co and PtCo nanoparticles larger than 4 nm were produced and the average nanoparticle size almost trebled relative to the fresh precursor. After reduction at 450 and 700 °C, most nanoparticles were disordered platinum/cobalt alloys with fcc structure. After reduction at 700 °C many of the smallest nanoparticles disappeared suggesting Ostwald ripening had occurred. Mechanisms concerning the thermal transformation of mixed cobalt and platinum species are discussed, offering new insights into the creation of bimetallic platinum-cobalt nanoparticles in fuel cell catalysts.