-There is little information about the selectivity of herbicides in physic nut (Jatropha curcas) in Brazil. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of different doses and mixtures of paraquat and diuron in direted-spray applications in physic nut plants in greenhouse conditions. The study used a randomized block design, with five replicates. The treatments were: paraquat (200 and 600 g ha -1 ), diuron (1,000 and 2,000 g ha -1 ), paraquat + diuron (200 + 1,000 g ha -1 ), paraquat + diuron (200 + 2,000 g ha -1 ), paraquat + diuron (600 + 1,000 g ha -1 ), paraquat + diuron (600 + 2,000 g ha -1 ) and a control (no application). Directedspray application was performed at 70 days after sowing by the lower third of the plants. The treatments of diuron and paraquat + diuron mixtures affected the growth and photosynthetic activity of physic nut plants, injuries being more pronounced at doses of diuron of 2,000 g ha -1 , while the isolated application of paraquat at doses of 200 and 600 g ha -1 showed good selectivity potential for physic nut plants.Keywords: Jatropha curcas, weed, chemical control, gas exchange. Palavras-chave: Jatropha curcas, planta daninha, controle químico, trocas gasosas.
RESUMO -Existem poucas informações sobre herbicidas seletivos para a cultura do pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas) no Brasil. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a seletividade de diferentes doses e misturas de paraquat e diuron em aplicações dirigidas nas plantas de pinhão-