Fuel cells represent a potentially integral technology in a greener electricitybased energy economy. Converting chemical energy directly into electricity with no moving parts and no particulate or greenhouse gas emissions at point of operation, they can offer higher efficiencies than combustion and greater energy storage and reduced "charge" times compared with batteries. While they retain few of the disadvantages of existing electricity generation technologies, a major barrier to commercialization and widespread use at present is cost. The key working part of a fuel cell, the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), comprises a catalyst, usually containing platinum, and an ionic polymer membrane, both of which contribute significantly to the overall cost of a fuel cell. This chapter will concentrate on the potential for alkaline anion exchange membrane (AAEM) fuel cells to provide a route to reduced costs and help realize commercial ubiquity of fuel cells in various energy sectors. We will first discuss the basic principles of the more common acidic PEM fuel cells and the thermodynamics and kinetics of the electrochemical reactions governing their operation, before explaining the key differences in AAEM fuel cells and how they might provide an advantage over the more established technology.This basic idea of the fuel cell goes back to as far as 1839 when Swanseaborn physicist Sir William Gove realized that reverse electrolysis of water was possible. However, development from this concept was slow and it was not until the 1960s and the Apollo Space Programme that fuel cells became practicable, in the form of aqueous alkaline electrolyte fuel cells. Aqueous electrolyte-based fuel cells have many disadvantages for portability causing recent focus to shift toward solid electrolytes, in particular toward polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells. These employ an ionomer, which is a polymer containing an ionic functional group in the monomer, as the electrolyte in order to allow hydrogen ion transport through a nonaqueous medium. Recent improvements in membrane technology, and in particular the performance of the industry standard Nafion membranes, have made PEM fuel cells a major focus of research. The alkaline 3 Materials for Low-Temperature Fuel Cells, First Edition. Edited