Gold finds diverse uses that cut across the automotive, electronics, medicine, nanotechnology, space and engineering sectors. 1-3 Catalysis by gold is now a priority growth area in terms of technological applications. 4 This has resulted in a number of review articles that have considered different aspects of gold catalysis. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] Bond and co-workers have provided an overview of the status of related research in 1999 and 2006, 5,6 focusing on physicochemical properties, synthesis, characterisation and applications, notably in CO oxidation and the water gas shift reaction. In a more recent article, Bond highlighted the reactivity of gold at the nanoscale in activating small molecules. 20 A number of reviews have examined the catalytic action of gold in selective oxidation and we can flag critical assessments by Hutchings, Edwards and co-workers (catalyst preparation and characterisation), 7 Chen and Goodman (use of Au/TiO 2 as model catalyst),