The goal of the present paper is presentation of the structural mapping of the karstified limestones, and the relations between the surface and the underground karstification. When mapping on the large scale the frequency of the dip and strike must be increased. Possible intebeds of alien rock must be registered. Measurements of the dip make it possible to ascertain possible plicative deformations. Intercalations of non-carbonate rocks influence the underground water flow and affect the formation, shaping and location of the karst voids as well as the surface karst features. For the understanding of the karstification processes exhaustive collection of structural data, and recognition of broken, crushed and fractured zones within and parallel to fault zones, plus thrustshear-zones are essential. As spatial organization and dimensions of the underground karst voids, as the surface karst shaping are guided by thrust parallel and fault induced deflection structures. All structural elements, which include tectonic elements as well as bedding planes, lithological changes, lithological partings, less permeable or impermeable interbeds, plus structural elements contribute to the structural framework. It directs both vertical percolation and horizontal streaming within the limestone and influence the frequency, size, spatial distribution, and shape of interconnected karst voids. The later form the speleogenetic network. Due to the permanent denudation the intersection of the Earth surface and the structural framework and speleogenetic network permanently moves downwards. New structural elements emerge while speleological structures change to less recognizable succession objects. The surface of the karst may be characterized as a dynamic, spatial, hydrogeological and speleological succession system permanently affected by the current tectonic activity.
IzvlečekPri strukturnem kartiranju zakraselih apnencev moramo povečati pogostnost merjenja vpadov in slemenitve plasti in izrisati vse vključke drugih kamnin v apnencih. Meritve plasti nam omogočajo ugotoviti plikativne deformacije, vključki kamnin usmerjajo pretakanje vode in vplivajo na nastanek, oblikovanje in potek podzemskih prostorov in na oblikovanje kraškga površja. Pri kartiranju obnarivno in obtektonsko pretrtih apnencev, je za razumevanje procesov zakrasevanja, potrebno ločiti zdrobljene porušene in razpoklinske cone. Velik vpliv na razpored in velikost podzemskih prostorov in površinsko oblikovanje kras imajo tudi litološke, obnarivne in prelomne hidrološke zadrževalno-zaporne strukture. Vsi strukturni elementi, med katere poleg tektonskih elementov štejemo tudi lezike, litološke spremembe, vložki drugih kamnin in zadrževalno-zaporne strukture gradijo strukturno rešetko. Ti vplivajo na nastanek speleogenetske mreže, ki zajema vse podzemske prostore. Zaradi denudacije se presek kraškega površja pomika navzdol po strukturni in speleogenetski mreži. Odpirajo se novi strukturni elementi, speleološki elementi pa postopno izginjajo in na površini ostajajo le bolj ali ...