since the introduction of turf-type cultivars (Funk et al., 1981(Funk et al., , 1984. Beard (1973) and Turgeon (1985) reported Use of turf-type tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) as a tall fescue had better high temperature tolerance and reduced-input and drought-resistant turfgrass species has increased in recent years. Several growth types of tall fescue have been identified.drought resistance than other cool-season turfgrasses. Erusha (1986) and Kopec (1985) reported tall fescue classified as turf type and dwarf type. Turf-and dwarf-type tall fescues clonal differences for top growth and rooting responses, may lack the potential drought-avoidance characteristics associated but did not study differences among cultivars. Carrow with cultivars like Kentucky 31. This study was conducted in hydropon- (1996) and Qian et al. (1997) reported on tall fescue ics under greenhouse conditions to determine whether potential differrooting responses and drought-avoidance characterences in top and root growth responses exist among tall fescue cultiistics.
Concerns have been expressed about the rooting responses of cultivars
vars, experimental lines, and growth types. Sixteen cultivars andThe difficulty of evaluating turfgrass root growth experimental lines, representing four growth types (i.e., dwarf, turf, under field conditions has prompted some researchers intermediate, and forage) were evaluated. Tall fescue cultivars, experito use hydroponics as a method of root growth evaluamental lines, and growth types differed in top growth and rooting responses. All cultivars and lines, except 'Jaguar' and 'Kenhy', pro-tion (Arnott et al., 1974; Erusha, 1986; Howard and duced roots to the 600-to 750-mm sampling depth. Dwarf-and turf- Watschke, 1984; Kopec, 1985;Spomer, 1975). In this type cultivars and lines had the best responses for total root production study we investigated top growth and rooting responses and distribution under the conditions of this study. 'Silverado', 'Eldorwas added to cover the black surface and reduce potential dan,