Direct polymerized polyaniline ͑PANI͒ nanostructures, i.e., nanospheres ͑NSs͒ and nanorods ͑NRs͒, are grown using different precursor conditions via electroless surface polymerization and examined by scanning electron microscopy images, attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Due to excess available area for more redox reactions, PANI-NR electrode has shown remarkably higher specific capacitance than PANI-NS. The scan-rate effect on PANI-NR electrode is studied, and finally, diffusive resistance of PANI-NS and-NR electrodes is investigated using impedance measurement. © 2008 The Electrochemical Society. ͓DOI: 10.1149/1.2958086͔ All rights reserved.Manuscript submitted February 7, 2008; revised manuscript received April 11, 2008. Published July 23, 2008 Fundamental and experimental research on electrochemical supercapacitors ͑ESs͒, also called ultracapacitors, has acquired considerable attention because of high power density and long cycle life compared to other electrochemical energy storage systems, including batteries. High power requirements for a short duration such as camera flash equipment, pulsed light generators, fire/smoke alarms, and backup power sources for computer memory are some of the decent applications of ESs.1 The capacitance in ESs originates either from the charging or discharging of the electrical double layers or from the faradaic redox reactions. In the former case, the capacitance is derived from charge separation in the carbon-based materials, and in the latter, a faradaic process takes place due to redox reactions based on metal oxides and electronically conducting polymers. Among various conducting polymers, polyaniline ͑PANI͒ is one of the most promising materials for ESs because of its highcapacitive, eco-friendly characteristics, low cost, and easy processing. [2][3][4][5] In recent years, a great deal of research has concentrated on the fine-tuning synthesis of tubular morphologies by controlling reaction mechanisms. Among these studies, template-free chemical synthesis has been favored to polymerize PANI in the presence of large and bulky acids. For instance, a simple and practical development method using interfacial polymerization for making uniform, template-free nanofibers is reported.6,7 Furthermore, Wan et al. [8][9][10][11] and others 12,13 developed a template-free solution method in which the diameter of the tube can be controlled with a dopant functionality and amount. The ability to polymerize nanostructures directly on metallic substrates has been previously achieved by MacDiarmid, 14 Hayes et al., 15 and Porter et al. 16 using electrochemical and Langmuir-Blodgett methods. Growth and organization of nanometer-sized PANI tubes on modified Au electrodes was also previously reported.17 By simply controlling the dopant-aniline mole ratio, we have recently reported template-free PANI salts of different morphology ͑sphere, rod, and flake͒ synthesis. 18,19 In continuation of previous work on PANI synthesis, in this communication ES properties of...