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AbstractWe incorporate inequity aversion into an otherwise standard New Keynesian dynamic equilibrium model with Calvo wage contracts and positive in ‡ation. Workers with relatively low incomes experience envy, whereas those with relatively high incomes experience guilt. The former seek to raise their income, and the latter seek to reduce it. The greater the in‡ation rate, the greater the degree of wage dispersion under Calvo wage contracts, and thus the greater the degree of envy and guilt experienced by the workers. Since the envy e¤ect is stronger than the guilt e¤ect, according to the available empirical evidence, a rise in the in ‡ation rate leads workers to supply more labor over the contract period, generating a signi…cant positive long-run relation between in ‡ation and output (and employment), for low in ‡ation rates. This Phillips curve relation, together with an ine¢ cient zero-in ‡ation steady state, provides a rationale for a positive long-run in ‡ation rate. Given standard calibrations, optimal monetary policy is associated with a long-run in ‡ation rate around 2 percent.JEL classi…cation: D03, E20, E31, E50.