We report an atomic-scale study on the ferromagnetic insulator manganite LaMnO 3.12 using ␥-␥ perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy. Data analysis reveals a nanoscopic transition from an undistorted to a JahnTeller ͑JT͒ distorted local environment upon cooling. The percolation thresholds of the two local environments enclose a macroscopic structural transition ͑rhombohedral-orthorhombic͒. Two distinct regimes of JT distortions were found: a high-temperature regime where uncorrelated polaron clusters with severe distortions of the Mn 3+ O 6 octahedra survive up to T Ϸ 800 K and a low-temperature regime where correlated regions have a weaker JT-distorted symmetry. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.100408 PACS number͑s͒: 75.47.Lx, 31.30.Gs, 64.60.Ak, 76.80.ϩy Intense experimental and theoretical work has been devoted to manganite systems due to their colossal magnetoresistance ͑CMR͒, polaron dynamics, and charge-orbital ordering phenomena. The undoped manganites ͑AMnO 3 where A is a trivalent ion of La, Pr, . . .͒ typically show antiferromagnetic insulator behavior and cooperative Jahn-Teller ͑JT͒ distortion of MnO 6 octahedra. Oxygen excess or the presence of divalent ions at A sites reduce the static JT distortion by the creation of Mn 4+ ions. This effect favors the ferromagnetic interaction via dynamic electron transfer between Mn 3+ and Mn 4+ , the so-called double-exchange ͑DE͒ interaction. 1 Although DE interaction explains qualitatively the CMR, it does not fully account for the large resistivity of the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic insulator phases. Polaron formation must certainly play an important role in this respect. [2][3][4][5] Polarons are formed due to the strong electron-lattice coupling that leads to charge localization via JT distortions. Recently, the nature of such local distortions, their dynamics and correlations have been addressed by several authors. [6][7][8][9][10][11] In spite of such an effort, several issues as the detailed structure of polarons, the temperature evolution of polaron clusters, or the effect of such evolution on the average macroscopic lattice structure still remain as open questions.Local distortions and their dynamics can be studied by using ␥-␥ perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy ͑PAC͒, a nuclear hyperfine method specially effective to sample atomic-scale environments. PAC efficiency is T independent, allowing us to explore a wide range of temperatures. To gain further insight on the microscopic nature of polaronic distortions, their spatial correlations, and the role of polarons in ferromagnetic insulator manganites ͑FMI͒, we have studied in detail the compound LaMnO 3.12 using the PAC technique. This compound is a prototypical FMI manganite that undergoes a rhombohedral ͑R͒-orthorhombic ͑O͒ structural transition around room temperature, which provides us with an ideal scenario to probe the evolution of local lattice distortions through different average lattice symmetries. In particular, we show that random distributed polaron clusters survive in the undist...