In this article, we provide a conceptual model for the design of instructional scenarios integrating hypervideo as an instructional tool. The model provides a structural aid for making design decisions about using hypervideo in instruction. We start by introducing the theoretical rationale for hypervideo as a tool, exploiting three different interactivity functions. We then examine the cognitive and socio-cognitive theories that can inform the design and usage of hypervideo. Next, we present the instantiation of these functions and theories in a software interface, after which we present the model, which is based on the following two layers of design decisions: the first pertains to the interactivity features and the second is connected with the instructional strategy. Three main design steps are presented in the form of guidelines, corresponding to a preparation phase, a production phase, and a use phase. Finally, a set of cases exhibiting exemplary implementations of a hypervideo-based instructional scenario are described.