A necessary and sufficient geometric condition is established for the Kohn Laplacian to be hypoelliptic, modulo its nullspace, for boundaries of arbitrary infinitely differentiable pseudoconvex tube domains in two complex variables. Hypoellipticity is also proved to be equivalent to validity of a superlogarithmic estimate, for this special class of structures.By a tubular three-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann (CR) structure we will mean a CR structure defined in an open subset of R 3 , together with a coordinate system (x, y, t) ∈ R 3 , together with a CR operator of the formwhere φ ∈ C ∞ (R) is real-valued. Such CR structures may be realized as the boundaries of tube domains {z : Im z 2 > φ(Re z 1 )} in C 2 . The Levi form may be identified with the function φ (x). We always assume that φ is convex, so that the structure is pseudoconvex. By∂ * b we mean the adjoint of∂ b with respect to L 2 (R 3 , dx dy dt); thus∂The purpose of this note is to characterize hypoellipticity of the Kohn Laplacian∂ b∂ * b for this class of CR structures.Main Theorem. For any C ∞ pseudoconvex tubular three-dimensional CR structure, the following four conditions are equivalent in any open set.(α)∂ b is C ∞ hypoelliptic, modulo its nullspace.(β) The CR structure is not exponentially degenerate.(γ) The pair {∂ b ,∂ * b } satisfies a superlogarithmic estimate.