Canine primary pulmonary carcinomas (PCCs) are commonly treated with surgery with overall median survival times (MST) around a year; however, due to extent of disease, prognosis, or client preference, alternative treatments have been considered. Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has been utilized in human cancer patients for local control of lung tumours as a surgical alternative. Twenty‐one PCCs in 19 dogs that received SBRT for local control were retrospectively evaluated. Dogs were staged according to the canine lung carcinoma stage classification (CLCSC) system with three as Stage 1, five as Stage 2, three as Stage 3, and eight as Stage 4. Overall MST was 343 days with 38% of patients alive at 1 year. Stage did not significantly impact survival time (p = .72). Five (26%) dogs had lymphadenopathy and MST was not significantly different from dogs without lymphadenopathy (343 vs. 353 days; p = .54). Five out of 18 evaluable dogs (28%) experienced acute lung VRTOG effects and 2 of 12 dogs (17%) experienced late lung VRTOG effects. Median lung dose, V5, V20, and D30 to the lung did not correlate significantly with the development of adverse radiation events. Twelve dogs had follow‐up imaging and the best response included a complete response (17%), partial response (42%), and stable disease (42%). Progressive disease was noted in seven dogs a median of 229 days after SBRT. SBRT was documented to be a safe and effective alternative to surgery and may have survival advantages for Stage 3 or 4 dogs according to the CLCSC.