Bungo, T., Tachibana, T., Sashihara, K.., Kawakami, S.-I., Ohgushi A., Furuse, M. and Ueda, H. 2002. Feeding and drinking responses and hypothalamic monoamine concentrations of neonatal chicks following intracerebroventricular injection of 6-OHDA. J. Appl. Anim. Res., To clarify the involveinent of catecholarniliergic systems in the regulation of food aiid water intake in the neonatal chick, 6-hydroxydopainine (6-OHDA) or fusaric acid (FA) was adininistered intracerebroventricularly (ICV) arid the concentrations of inoiioalnine in the hypothalainus were deteriniiied. We found that food intake was significantly iiicreased by ICV iitjectioii of 6-OHDA (25, 50 and 100 pg) uiitil 60 inin after injectioih, but the effect disappeared at 120 inin. Although both 6-OHDA and F A had no significant effect o n water iiitake, the water coi~surnptioi~ iii chicks treated with F A tended to be higher thaii that with saline (control). Norepinephrine (NE) i n the hypothalainus was reduced in chicks treated with 6-OHDA ( P -4 0 5 ) . These results indicate that changes in N E conceiitration of the hypothalainus mainly influence food iiitake i n chicks.