The effects of hornet venom sac extract on the functioning of the cardiovascular system was assessed in dogs by concomitant examination of the following parameters: Systemic blood pressure, blood pressure and the dp/dt derivative of the left ventricle of the heart, heart rate, direct measurement of the left ventricular wall thickness, cardiac output, and body temperature. The effect of adult hornet venom sac extract on the canine cardiovascular system was rapid and led to a sharp drop in the systemic blood pressure, a similar drop in the pressure and dp/dt derivative in the left ventricle, to bradycardia, immediate thickening of the left ventricular wall and to an immediate rise in the cardiac output. As for the canine temperature, this dropped immediately following the administration of venom sac extract and remained at the new low level for at least 30 min. The smaller molecular weight components (less than 10 kilodalton) in venom sac extract have been found to be responsible for the immediate effects of venom sac extract on the cardiovascular system. On the other hand the high‐molecular weight components exert more delayed effects which lead to a cumulative disturbance of cardiac function.