IntroductionThe concepts and opinions expressed in this document represent only the point of view of the authors; Do not necessarily reflect the vision of the institution to which they belong. Much has been said about poverty in Mexico and its causes, but for many years we have been in recurrent crises that do not allow for its decline [1][2][3]. The objective of this paper is to present the multiplier decomposition method [4,5] applied to a social accounting matrix 7] built for 2012 and to focus it on the analysis of poverty alleviation using the FosterGreer-Thorbecke index [8]. The SAM-MX12 is based on the Mexican System of National Accounts (SCNM-MX) and includes the inputoutput matrix (IOT-MX12) as intermediate consumption [6,9] and the tariff databases were coupled with the North America Industrial Classification System, NAICS 2007 code [10][11][12].More information on the construction of SAM can be found in the previous papers [13,14].In the Official Journal of the Federation dated 16 of 2010, the general guidelines and criteria for the definition, identification and measurement of poverty are established. National Council for Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) defines that a person is in multidimensional poverty when he is not guaranteed the exercise of at least one of his rights for social development, and if his income is insufficient to acquire the goods and services that he needs to satisfy his needs. Regarding economic well-being, only per capita current income is taken into account. While social rights are used for social rights related to education, health, social security, food, housing and services [15]. Here the economic welfare line will be taken and as the upper limit the welfare line denoted as ž, and if it is the minimum welfare line will be ẕ. Thorbecke and Jung [8] apply the poverty indicator proposed by Foster-Greer-Thorbecke to Indonesia's economy with 76 economic sectors including 23 categories for rural and urban areas. Households are subdivided into eight groups depending on their average income and companies linked to 24 productive activities. Kim [16] does the same for South Africa by distinguishing between sex and skilled and unskilled workers. It uses the same social accounting matrix structure proposed by Defourny and Thorbecke in 1984 [5]. For both analyzes, it was necessary to have additional information on elasticities for rural and urban areas of poverty for different groups of employees in different sectors.
Brief State of the ArtDuring the 50s, Antonio Ortiz Mena [1] argued that resolving the situation of the lower income population, especially in rural areas, was crucial for the true stabilizing development of the Nation. Many decades of this have passed and this inequality still persists and the gap between the poor and the rich has widened. Taking the historical data and definitions of poverty in the different periods, the following graphs, Figure 2 shows that the minimum wage in 1938 was higher than the current one and that controlled inflation is not ...