The magnetic response and related spin topology of the hybrid organic−inorganic material copper hydroxide acetate Cu 2 (OH) 3 (CH 3 COO)·H 2 O are studied as a function of an applied external pressure within first-principles approaches. We show that structural changes induced by high pressure affect the Cu−O−Cu angles, particularly when the bridging O atom belongs to the CH 3 COO chains, with a sharp transition occurring above 2.75 GPa. These geometrical modifications are responsible for a transition from an antiferromagnetic (at the ambient pressure ground state) to a ferromagnetic state at high pressure (∼7 GPa). Our results are in agreement with the experimental outcome. They provide a guideline for applications of these composite systems in nanoelectronics and disclose new frontiers in the design of memory devices based on this family of hybrid lamellar materials.
■ INTRODUCTIONIn organic−inorganic lamellar hybrid materials, a wide variety of organic chains can be inserted within the host architecture, i.e., between the transition metal ion-based oxide layers. This allows for a fine-tuning of the physical and chemical properties of the resulting system, mainly because of the flexibility and the chemical nature of the organic chains. The use of an external macroscopic quantity, such as pressure, is a practical tool to tune the properties of these materials and, ultimately, control their magnetic character. 1 This is a promising path toward applications in next-generation nanoelectronics, especially memory switches and data storage devices. 2 A representative prototype of these lamellar organic−inorganic materials is copper hydroxide acetate, Cu 2 (OH) 3 (CH 3 COO)·H 2 O. Such a compound consists of triangular arrays of Cu II hydroxide building blocks forming a two-dimensional host structure able to accommodate an organic moiety, specifically CH 3 COO − spacers. 3,4 The distance between two adjacent Cu hydroxide layers depends on the chemical nature and the conformation of the inserted organic chains. 2 If an external pressure is applied along the crystallographic direction orthogonal to the Cu hydroxide planes, structural changes occur in the organic chains as a response to the reduction of the interlayer distance. Eventually, increasing values of the pressure are able to modify the magnetic properties of the material. In former studies, 2 a comparison of the magnetic behavior of Cu 2 (NO 3 )(OH) 3 and Cu 2 (OH) 3 (CH 3 COO)·H 2 O has shown for both an antiferromagnetic (AF) character as a ground state. However, the replacement of NO 3 − with the longer CH 3 COO − acetate units has the net effect of promoting the arising of a weak ferromagnetic (F) intralayer character, as opposed to the persisting AF character of Cu 2 (NO 3 )(OH) 3 .In our previous investigations, 3,4 first-principles approaches 5,6 based on the density functional theory 7 (DFT) have been useful to complement the missing structural information concerning the position of atoms, escaping experimental probes, and to provide insight into the bond...