The past years have seen waves of societal change worldwide and increasing recognition that the sea of humanity consists of individual droplets-each of value and with valid perspectives.T he scientific community has realized that strength lies exactly in this diversity,a nd that mutual respect and open communication are essential for progress.A lthough many face-to-face interactions have not been possible this past year, dialogue,n etworks,a nd collaborations remain vital for researchers.During this time,t he editorial team-with the guidance of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and the journals International Advisory Board [1] and Scientific Advisory Committee [2] -has considered how Angewandte Chemie can continue to support scientists and contribute to international scientific discourse. Angewandte Chemie,the flagship journal of the GDCh, is widely read. With such reach comes an opportunity and aresponsibility to engage with the challenges faced by the community.