Aging is the inevitable biological event associated with several physiological, behavioral, and lifestyle events, but people do not wish to become old. The market for anti-aging products is growing gradually, and customers are aware of active principles in the cosmetics. The probiotics are known for several health benefits; especially probiotics regulate the gut health and immune system. Recent studies emphasized the role of probiotics, and probiotic-containing fermented products in cosmetics, and aging. The whole mechanism of aging has not been elucidated yet, but modern aging theories are in two different categories such as programmed theory and damage theory. The aging mechanisms can be discussed in organismal, and cellular level. To some extent, organismal and premature aging is controlled by genetic makeup. Though genetic, and environmental factors impact healthy aging, diet and gut microbiota also play a significant role in senescence. Aging is greatly associated with a diversity of gut microbiota that is often related to the changes in the gastrointestinal tract, and dietary patterns, together with an associated decline in cognitive and immune function, eventually contributing to infirmity. Lactic acid bacteria are reported for the ability to extend the lifespan and/or healthspan. The current manuscript discussed the aging mechanisms, an association of microbiome and aging, and compiled the reported anti-aging properties of probiotics.