RNA editing involves a variety of genetic systems and occurs by different mechanisms. In higher plant chloroplasts, specific sites of some transcripts are subject to C-to-U conversion. We have previously shown that site-specific trans-acting factors for psbE and petB mRNA editing bind corresponding cis-elements, which are located 5 nucleotides upstream from the editing site. Here we report that, by using mRNAs labeled either at the center of the upstream cis-element or at the editing site, the site-specific factors can be cross-linked with nucleotides at both positions. Mutations of nucleotides in the proximal region of the editing site revealed a correlation between editing activity and cross-linking efficiency of factors with the editing site, even though cross-linking with the upstream cis-element was unaffected. These observations suggest that the site-specific factor binds stably to the upstream ciselement, whereas it interacts weakly with the editing site. This finding raises the intriguing possibility that the site-specific factor is involved in both site-determination and C-to-U conversion in chloroplast RNA editing. R NA editing is one of the posttranscriptional processes involved in transcript maturation in a variety of organisms, including viruses, fungi, plants, and mammals (1). This process can be subdivided into insertion͞deletion of nucleotides and base modification. RNA editing in plant organelles belongs to the latter case; specific sites of some transcripts are subject to C-to-U (and rarely U-to-C) conversions (2-7). Most editing events occur in protein-coding regions and restore codons to conserved amino acids. In chloroplasts, editing of psbF, petB, and accD mRNAs has been reported to be necessary for the function of their products (8-10), indicating that at least some RNA editing events are essential posttranscriptional steps. However, one RNA editing event was observed in the third position of a codon and did not lead to amino acid substitution (11). Hence, at least one case of editing seems to have no biological significance.At present, 34 C-to-U editing sites have been found in tobacco chloroplast transcripts (12). Cis-analysis has been pursued for several sites by transplastomic approaches, and all defined cis-acting elements are located within Ϸ30 nucleotides of editing sites (13-15). Sequences surrounding editing sites exhibit no common characteristics, except most of the 5Ј neighboring residues of editing sites are pyrimidines and the 3Ј neighbors are A residues, both in chloroplast and mitochondrial transcripts (16,17). The importance of 5Ј neighbors for editing efficiency has been reported in psbL and ndhB mRNA (site V) editing (13,14).We have recently studied the mechanism of psbE and petB mRNA editing in tobacco and pea chloroplasts (18). Both chloroplast genes possess single editing sites that depend on plant species. The 72nd codon of psbE is encoded as Ser (UCU) at the DNA level in spinach, pea, and maize, whereas tobacco, Arabidopsis, and black pine restore this codon from Pro...