Epoxidations of a-cyclogeranyl systems, [1] such as 1 [Eq. (1)], occur syn to the alkyl group at C3, contrary to expectation based upon steric effects. To determine the origin and scope of this effect, transition structures have been located for oxygen transfer from peracetic acid to several substituted cyclohexenes (2 ± 4) with quantum-mechanical methods. An explanation of the anomalous stereoselectivity of epoxidations of 1 was obtained and predictions were made about the [7] V. Organometallics 1996, 15, 302 ± 308.[13] Crystal structure determination of (S,S)-10: [(C 9 H 7 )(C 38 H 12 O 2 F 20 P 2 )-RuCl] ¥ (CH 4 O) 2 ; M r 1258.2; m 0.58 mm À1 , 1 calcd 1.76 g cm À3 , monoclinic, P2 1 , Z 2, a 10.7173(6), b 12.4521 (8), c 17.7987(10) ä, b 94.465 (7)8, V 2368.1(2) ä 3 , from 7998 reflections (4.48 < 2V < 51.98), red prism 0.14 Â 0.15 Â 0.15 mm mounted on a quartz fiber with RS3000 oil to prevent degradation. Cell dimensions and intensities were measured at 170 K on a STOE IPDS diffractometer with graphite-monochromated Mo Ka radiation (l 0.71069 ä). À 13 < h < 13; À 15 < k < 15; À 21 < l < 21; 29 958 measured reflections, 9236 unique reflections of which 8264 were observable (j F o j> 4s(F o )); R int for equivalent reflections 0.027. Data were corrected for absorption (T min , T max 0.9119, 0.9408). The structure was solved by direct methods using hte program MULTAN 87, [27] all other calculations used the XTAL [28] system and ORTEP [29] programs. Fullmatrix least-squares refinement based on F using weight of 1/[s 2 (F o ) 0.0002 (F o ) 2 ] gave final values R 0.026, wR 0.029 and S 1.87(2) for 700 variables and 8264 contributing reflections.Flack parameter x À 0.01(2). Hydrogen atoms were placed in calculated positions except those of the hydroxy groups that were observed and refined with a fixed value of isotropic displacement parameters (U 0.05 ä 2 ). The final D1 showed a maximum of 0.50 and a minimum of À 0.29 e ä À3 . Crystallographic data (excluding structure factors) for the structure reported in this paper have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre as supplementary publication no. CCDC-167480 ((S,S)-10). Copies of the data can be obtained free of charge on application to CCDC, 12 Union Road,