The origin of homochirality, the observed single-handedness of biological amino acids and sugars, has long been attributed to autocatalysis, a frequently assumed precursor for early life self-replication. However, the stability of homochiral states in deterministic autocatalytic systems relies on cross-inhibition of the two chiral states, an unlikely scenario for early life self-replicators. Here we present a theory for a stochastic individual-level model of autocatalytic prebiotic self-replicators that are maintained out of thermal equilibrium. Without chiral inhibition, the racemic state is the global attractor of the deterministic dynamics, but intrinsic multiplicative noise stabilizes the homochiral states. Moreover, we show that this noise-induced bistability is robust with respect to diffusion of molecules of opposite chirality, and systems of diffusively coupled autocatalytic chemical reactions synchronize their final homochiral states when the self-replication is the dominant production mechanism for the chiral molecules. We conclude that nonequilibrium autocatalysis is a viable mechanism for homochirality, without imposing additional nonlinearities such as chiral inhibition. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.032407 Homochirality, the single-handedness of all biological amino acids and sugars, is one of two major universal features of life on Earth. The other is the canonical genetic code. Their universality transcends all categories of life, up to and including the three domains, and thus requires an explanation that transcends the idiosyncrasies of individual organisms and particular environments. The only universal process common to all life is, of course, evolution, and so it is natural to seek an explanation for biological homochirality in these terms, just as has been done to account for the universality and error-minimization aspects of the genetic code [1]. This paper is just such an attempt, using the simplest and most general commonly accepted attributes of living systems.The origin of biological homochirality has been one of the most debated topics since its discovery by Louis Pasteur in 1848 [2]. There are those who argue that homochirality must have preceded the first chemical systems undergoing Darwinian evolution, and there are those who believe homochirality is a consequence of life, but not a prerequisite [3]. There are even those who argue that homochirality is a consequence of underlying asymmetries from the laws of physics, invoking complicated astrophysical scenarios for the origin of chiral organic molecules [4] or even the violation of parity from the weak interactions [5,6]! In fact, explanations that are based on physical asymmetries can only predict an enantiomeric excess of one handedness over another, and not the 100% effect observed in nature [7]. * Corresponding author: fjafarpo@purdue.eduThe most influential class of theories for biological homochirality rest on an idea of F.C. Frank's, in which there is a kinetic instability of a racemic (50% right handed and 50% left handed) mi...