Abstract. Recent studies have demonstrated that inhibins and activins both play not only endocrine roles but also local regulatory roles in gonadotoropin secretion. There has been controversy as to the subtype of rat pituitary inhibin/activin.We studied the levels of inhibin a, 1'A and f subunit mRNAs by a quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and the changes in their levels by adding inhibin a, fA and fiB mRNA antisense oligonucleotides and inhibin A, activin A or GnRH to cultured rat anterior pituitary cells. This study demonstrated the level of 3 mRNAs to be 1.6 x 10-2, 0.75 and 3.4 x 10-2 molecules/cell with a molar ratio of 1:50:2. A stimulatory role for activin B in FSH secretion was suggested as F'B mRNA antisense oligonucleotide decreased FSH secretion. The f'B mRNA level tended to be decreased by the addition of activin A, but the decrease was not statistically significant. GnRH did not affect a and f3B mRNA levels when administered singly. The level of F'A mRNA was not changed by any of the above treatments. In conclusion, the presence of inhibin a, /3A and 1'B subunit mRNAs in the rat anterior pituitary with the greatest abundance of NA was demonstrated by using RT-PCR. Activin B or activin AB may play important roles in FSH secretion in an autocrine or a paracrine fashion, and activin A may play an indirect role in FSH secretion. 43: 403-410,1996) INHIBINS and activins are known to modulate FSH secretion from the rat anterior pituitary [1,2]. Along with their endocrine role, mainly exerted by inhibin, enough evidence has been accumulated [3][4][5][6][7] for an autocrine or a paracrine role of these peptides in FSH secretion. So far, studies demonstrating local expressions of Inhibin a and fiB subunit mRNAs [3][4][5][6][7][8], a decrease in FSH secretion by a passive immunoneutralization with activin B monoclonal antibody [5,6] or immuno-