JAMA Dermatology continued to thrive in 2022. The editorial leadership team carefully evaluated 2745 article submissions during the past year (Table ).A total of 1300 of 2745 submissions (47%) were research articles, which was similar to the previous year. Acceptance rates also remained stable, with 10% of submissions overall and 11% of research articles accepted for publication. With an ongoing commitment to pub-lishing excellence and process improvement, the journal continued to maintain its goal of reducing the time to publication, keeping the median days of acceptance to publication to 61 days while offering timely editorial decisions, including maintaining its median receipt-to-rejection time of 4 days and median receipt to first decision with peer review of 42 days. The editorial leadership team continued to strive to find ways to improve authors' experience to ensure authors the fastest and best publication of their work. As predicted in last year's review, many of the top dermatology journals achieved substantial increases in impact factors, which was likely a reflection of COVID-19 skinrelated publications, and in line with trends seen across the medical literature. JAMA Dermatology's impact factor increased from 10.3 to 11.8.The journal broadened its digital reach, with more than 5.2 million full-text views and downloads in the past year (an approximately 20% increase), and expanded its connections to more than 68 000 followers on the social media channels Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, a 15% increase compared with the