Recent work by Prodan and the second author showed that weak invariants of topological insulators can be described using Kasparov's KK-theory. In this note, a complementary description using semifinite index theory is given. This provides an alternative proof of the index formulae for weak complex topological phases using the semifinite local index formula. Real invariants and the bulk-boundary correspondence are also briefly considered.Date: October 8, 2018. 1 a twisted Z k -action and invariant trace. Therefore the main task here is the computation of the resolvent cocycle that represents the (semifinite) Chern character and its application to weak invariants. Furthermore, the bulk-boundary correspondence proved in [30,7] also carries over, which allows us to relate topological pairings of the system without edge to pairings concentrated on the boundary of the sample.Acknowledgements. We thank our collaborators, Alan Carey, Johannes Kellendonk, Emil Prodan and Adam Rennie, whose work this builds from. We also thank the anonymous referee, whose careful reading and suggestions have improved the manuscript. We are partially supported by the DFG grant SCHU-1358/6 and C. B. also thanks the Australian Mathematical Society and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for financial support.2. Review: Twisted crossed products and semifinite index theory 2.1. Preliminaries. Let us briefly recall the basics of Kasparov theory that are needed for this paper; a more comprehensive treatment can be found in [5,31]. Due to the anti-linear symmetries that exist in topological phases, both complex and real spaces and algebras are considered.Given a real or complex right-B C * -module E B , we will denote by (· | ·) B the B-valued inner-product and by End B (E) the adjointable endomorphisms on E with respect to this inner product. The rank-1 operators Θ e,f , e, f ∈ E B , are defined such thatThen End 00 B (E) denotes the span of such rank-1 operators. The compact operators on the module, End 0 B (E), is the norm closure of End 00 B (E). We will often work with Z 2 -graded algebras and spaces and denote by⊗ the graded tensor product (see [16, Section 2] and [5]). Also see [25, Chapter 9] for the basic theory of unbounded operators on C * -modules.Definition 1. Let A and B be Z 2 -graded real (resp. complex) C * -algebras. A real (complex) unbounded Kasparov module (A, π E B , D) is a Z 2 -graded real (complex) C * -module E B , a graded homomorphism π : A → End B (E), and an unbounded self-adjoint, regular and odd operator D such that for all a ∈ A ⊂ A, a dense * -subalgebra,