A wide-band, high-resolution vacuum flat-crystal
spectrometer was developed for analyzing the x-rays spectra of
hollow atoms. The spectrometer was designed to cover an energy
dynamic range of 0.6 to 16 keV by combining different flat crystals
and an x-ray CCD detector mounted on a twistable bellows that could
modulate the Bragg angles ranging from 25° to 50°.The
performance of the spectrometer was evaluated in energy range of
3–12 keV by measuring the K and L x-rays generated by
10–30 keV electron beam collisions with solid titanium, silver and
gold targets, respectively. The typical resolving power of the
spectrometer is estimated to be around 103, with a single
exposure measurement range of 144–1411 eV and corresponding energy
resolution of 3.5–33.2 eV. This spectrometer could be utilized
to investigate the fine hyper-satellite line structure of hollow
atoms with 10 ≤ Z ≤ 26.