The English verb try and Danish prøve are primarily defined as 'make an attempt', 'put to trial'. Danish prøve, however, is often used about easy activities without the need to make an attempt. This usage has not been analyzed in detail before. This paper describes the uses of prøve and discusses to what degree it has been grammaticalized. The corpus analysis shows that prøve is frequently used with an at-infinitive, e.g. verbs of saying and perception. The original meaning of prøve is often bleached. Especially the imperative, but also the infinitive assimilates phonetically with the following infinitive marker to a high degree whereby it also receives a new pragmatic function.
Nøgleordkorpuslingvsitik, leksikalsk semantik, kongruenskonstrutioner, grammatikalisering © Katalin Fenyvesi og Dansk Sprognaevn Ny for skning i g ra m m ati k , vo l . 2 8 ( 2 0 2 1 ) , 4 7 -6 5 .