Abstract:The reconstruction of a matrix having a pre-de ned structure from given spectral data is known as an inverse eigenvalue problem (IEP). In this paper, we consider two IEPs involving the reconstruction of matrices whose graph is a special type of tree called a centipede. We introduce a special type of centipede called dense centipede. We study two IEPs concerning the reconstruction of matrices whose graph is a dense centipede from given partial eigen data. In order to solve these IEPs, a new system of nomenclature of dense centipedes is developed and a new scheme is adopted for labelling the vertices of a dense centipede as per this nomenclature . Using this scheme of labelling, any matrix of a dense centipede can be represented in a special form which we de ne as a connected arrow matrix. For such a matrix, we derive the recurrence relations among the characteristic polynomials of the leading principal submatrices and use them to solve the above problems. Some numerical results are also provided to illustrate the applicability of the solutions obtained in the paper.