(2,14,25). IP3 may be phosphorylated to form other inositol phosphates (19) or hydrolyzed in a 3-step dephosphorylation into inositol and Pi by specific phosphatases (3).Although very little is known about signal transduction in higher plant cells, calcium has become recognized as a key regulator of plant metabolism (11,12,18,23,26). It activates protein kinases (13), and plays a critical role in cell division (12), secretion (7), protoplast fusion (10), and tropic responses (22,23). All of these physiological responses appear to be preceded by an increase of cytosolic free Ca2' concentration, but it is not clear whether the increase in cytosolic Ca24 concentration is due to an increase in Ca2`influx across the plasma membrane or to an increase in Ca2' release from internal stores (i.e. ER, vacuole, or mitochondria) or both.There is evidence that the biosynthesis and metabolism of polyphosphoinositides occur in higher plant cells (6,20,24 MATERIALS AND METHODS Protoplast Isolation. Wild carrot cells (Daucus carota L.) which yield fusogenic protoplasts, were grown in suspension culture as described previously (4). Protoplasts were isolated by placing 0.3 g of cells in 20 ml solution containing 2% Driselase (Plenum Scientific Co., Hackensack, NJ), 0.4 molal sorbitol, 2 mM EGTA, and 1 mm Mes (pH 4.8) at 25°C on a rotary shaker (125 rpm) for 1.5 h for the 45Ca24 efflux experiments and for 2 h for the 45Ca2+ influx experiments. The protoplasts were centrifuged (40g) and the supernatant discarded. The recovered protoplasts were washed twice with an osmoticum solution consisting of 0.45 molal sorbitol and 0.5 mM Mes (pH 6).4"Ca2 Influx. For calcium influx experiments, protoplasts (1-2 mg protein/ml) were incubated in 8 ml osmoticum containing 45Ca2" (0.4 MCi/ml) to a final Ca2" concentration of approximately 1 uM. The protoplast suspension was placed on the rotary shaker (90 rpm) at 25°C. At intervals, 3 aliquots of 200 ,l were taken and protoplasts spun in a Beckman Microfuge B through a supporting and separating gradient formed, in order from the bottom, by 50 Ml of 5% dextran (mol wt = 17,900) in osmoticum, 50 ,ul silicone oil (p = 1.03), 50 ,l 2 mM EGTA in osmoticum, and 50 gl silicone oil (p = 1.01). The protoplast pellet was collected at the bottom of the microfuge tubes. The microfuge tips were cut and the protoplast pellet resuspended in 300 Ml deionized H20. Aliquots of 100,l ofthe resuspended protoplasts were dissolved in 7 ml Scintiverse-Il (Fisher