We examine the B → φK decays within the framework of SUGRA models making use of the improved QCD factorization method of Beneke et al. which allows calculations of non-factorizable contributions. All other experimental constraints (B → X s γ, neutron and electron electric dipole moments, dark matter constraints, etc.) are imposed. We calculate the CP violating parameters S φK S , C φK S and A φK ∓ as well as the branching ratios (BR) of B 0 and B ± , Br[B → φK]. We find for the Standard Model(SM) and mSUGRA it is not possible to account for the observed 2.7σ deviation between S φK S and S J/ΨK S . In general the BRs are also in 3σ disagreement with experiment, except in the parameter region where the weak annihilation terms dominate the decay (and hence where the theory is least reliable). Thus if future data confirm the current numbers, this would represent the first significant breakdown of both the SM and mSUGRA. We show then that adding a SUGRA non-universal A soft breaking left-right term mixing the second and third generations in either the down or up quark sector, all data can be accommodated for a wide range of parameters. The full 6x6 quark mass matrices are used and the SUSY contributions calculated without approximation.