Before replying directly to the Comment [1] of Pennington and Wilson (PW) on our paper [2] about a complex relation between production and scattering amplitudes [3], let us first recapitulate some of the essential features of our approach, for readers who are not so familiar with it.The analysis of two-body subamplitudes in processes of strong decay is often carried out under the spectator assumption [4][5][6]. In such cases, one may express the twobody production subamplitude P as a linear combination of elements of the two-body scattering amplitude T . The latter quantities, which contain the full two-body dynamics, are then supposed to be known, either from experiment, or from theoretical considerations.The amputated scattering amplitude t is, in the loopexpansion approximation, given by t = V + V ωt, where V and ω represent the vertex and loop functions, respectively. The vertex function is supposed to be real and symmetric, whereas the loop function is diagonal. Moreover, in order to ensure that resonance poles come out in the correct Riemann sheet for weak coupling, the loop function satisfies the condition m(ω) 0. The latter condition allows us to define the quantity Z given by ω = Z m(Z).Like the loop function, Z can be chosen diagonal as well. It is straightforward to show that the scattering amplitude T, defined by T = m(Z)t m(Z), satisfies the unitarity condition 2iT T * = 2iT * T = T − T * . We have shown in refs. [7,8] that it also has the correct behaviour at threshold, recently confirmed in ref. [9].The two-particle amputated production amplitude p is, in the loop expansion, given by p = 1 + V ω + V ωV ω + . . . = 1 + tω.(1)