In yeast, the inositolphosphorylceramides mostly contain C26:0 fatty acids. Inositolphosphorylceramides were considered to be important for viability because the inositolphosphorylceramide synthase AUR1 is essential. However, lcb1⌬ cells, unable to make sphingoid bases and inositolphosphorylceramides, are viable if they harbor SLC1-1, a gain of function mutation in the 1-acyl-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase SLC1. SLC1-1 allows the incorporation of C26:0 fatty acids into phosphatidylinositol (PI), thus generating PI؆, an abnormal, C26-containing PI, presumably acting as surrogate for inositolphosphorylceramide. Here we show that the lethality of the simultaneous deletion of the known ceramide synthases LAG1/LAC1/LIP1 and YPC1/YDC1 can be rescued by the expression of SLC1-1 or the overexpression of AUR1. Moreover, lag1⌬ lac1⌬ ypc1⌬ ydc1⌬ (4⌬) quadruple mutants have been reported to be viable in certain genetic backgrounds but to still make some abnormal uncharacterized inositol-containing sphingolipids. Indeed, we find that 4⌬ quadruple mutants make substantial amounts of unphysiological inositolphosphorylphytosphingosines but that they also still make small amounts of normal inositolphosphorylceramides. Moreover, 4⌬ strains incorporate exogenously added sphingoid bases into inositolphosphorylceramides, indicating that these cells still possess an unknown pathway allowing the synthesis of ceramides. 4⌬ cells also still add quite normal amounts of ceramides to glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors. Synthesis of inositolphosphorylceramides and inositolphosphorylphytosphingosines is operated by Aur1p and is essential for growth of all 4⌬ cells unless they contain SLC1-1. PI؆, however, is made without the help of Aur1p. Furthermore, mannosylation of PI؆ is required for the survival of sphingolipid-deficient strains, which depend on SLC1-1. In contrast to lcb1⌬ SLC1-1, 4⌬ SLC1-1 cells grow at 37°C but remain thermosensitive at 44°C.