The Rh blood group system is one of the most important and immunogenic blood group systems after the ABO blood group system and, like other blood group antigens, it follows ethnic and racial trends. However, when it comes to D variants—partial D and weak D—most of the cohorts studied in the literature have been of European descent. This study aimed to discover the variant D trends in Detroit, Michigan, with an emphasis on Black communities.
From 2016 to 2018, there were 102 patients (women of childbearing potential: < 50 years) at Henry Ford Hospital that had serologic D discrepant testing. These patients were sent out for molecular RHD determination.
In total, 12.7% of patients were characterized as RhD positive and 87.3% of patients were characterized as RhD variants (nominated as RhD negative at our institution).
Our predominantly Black cohort sheds light on the diversity of the RhD antigen. The majority of Blacks were classified as RhD variants (RhD negative nomination at our institution). Therefore, molecular testing for this patient population with serologic RhD discrepancies is paramount to properly manage their obstetric care.