The inner ear is a complex structure responsible for the senses of audition and balance in vertebrates. The ear is organised into different sense organs that are specialised to detect specific stimuli such as sound and linear or angular accelerations. The elementary sensory unit of the ear consists of hair cells, supporting cells, neurons and Schwann cells. Hair cells are the mechano-electrical transducing elements, and otic neurons convey information coded in electrical impulses to the brain. With the exception of the Schwann cells, all cellular elements of the inner ear derive from the otic placode. This is an ectodermal thickening that is specified in the head ectoderm adjacent to the caudal hindbrain. The complex organisation of the ear requires precise coupling of regional specification and cell fate decisions during development, i.e. specificity in defining particular spatial domains containing particular cell types. Those decisions are taken early in development and are the subject of this article. We review here recent work on: i) early patterning of the otic placode, ii) the role of neural tube signals in the patterning of the otic vesicle, and iii) the genes underlying cell fate determination of neurons and sensory hair cells.
KEY WORDS: placode, otic vesicle, proneural, hindbrain, patterning
State of the artThe inner ear is one major sensory organ of the head and it is responsible for the perception of sound and balance in vertebrates. In the adult, it is arranged in a highly complex threedimensional structure, named the membranous labyrinth, composed of a closed epithelial layer that is diversified into specific regions that contain the sensory elements (Fig. 1A). The sensory epithelium consists of hair cells, and supporting cells disposed in a cellular mosaic (Fig. 1B) (Adam et al., 1998;Fritzsch et al., 2000). Mechanosensory information is transduced by the hair cells that release transmitters which activate afferent bipolar sensory neurons which, in turn, transmit the information to second order neurons in the brainstem. The membranous labyrinth is subdivided into vestibular and auditory regions. The vestibule forms the dorsal part of the labyrinth and is responsible for the senses of motion and position. It comprises the three cristae, the sensory organs located at the basis of three orthogonally arranged semi-circular canals, and the utricle and saccule, which contain two additional sensory organs, the maculae. The ventral auditory part is more diverse. In mammals it is composed of the cochlea, a coiled structure whose sensory epithelium is called the organ of Corti. In birds, the auditory region is composed of the basilar papilla, while in fish the saccule and lagena are both involved in hearing (Fig. 1A) , 2003). In jawed vertebrates, the adult inner ear is highly regionalised along its three axes. In addition to the dorso-ventral (DV) subdivision into vestibular and auditory regions, an asymmetry along the medio-lateral (ML) axis is also obvious with, for instance, the endolymphat...