Mansonella ozzardi, a filarial parasite of humans in Latin America, has been shown to harbour intracellular bacteria not yet identified. Here we show that these bacteria, like those of other filarial nematodes, belong to the genus Wolbachia (alpha 2 Proteobacteria; Rickettsiales). Their unambiguous placement in the Wolbachia group was shown by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. However, the exact position of the Wolbachia from M. ozzardi relative to the other wolbachiae is not clear. Indeed, 16S rDNA sequence analysis places this bacterium at a deep branch in Wolbachia evolution. It is interesting that analysis of the 5S rDNA gene spacer of the nematode host also suggests that the genus Mansonella, together with the genus Loa, could represent a deep-branching lineage in filarial evolution.