Measuring properties of quantum systems is governed by a stochastic (collapse or state-reduction) law that unavoidably yields an uncertainty (variance) associated with the corresponding mean values. This non-classical source of uncertainty is known to be manifested as noise in the electrical current of nanoscale electron devices, and hence it can flaw the good performance of more complex quantum gates. We propose a protocol to alleviate this quantum uncertainty that consists of (i) redesigning the device to accommodate a large number of electrons inside the active region, either by enlarging the lateral or longitudinal areas of the device and (ii) re-normalizing the total current to the number of electrons. How the above two steps can be accommodated using the present semiconductor technology has been discussed and numerically studied for a resonant tunneling diode and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, for classical and quantum computations, respectively. It is shown that the resulting protocol formally resembles the so-called collective measurements, although, its practical implementation is substantially different.