This paper was sel ected for pres entati on by an ATC program c ommittee followi ng revi ew of i nformati on contai ned i n an abs tract s ubmitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper hav e not been revi ewed by the Offs hore Tec hnology Conferenc e and are s ubj ect to c orrec tion by the author(s). The materi al does not nec ess arily refl ect any position of the Offs hore Technol ogy Conference, its officers , or members. El ectronic reproduc tion, distri buti on, or storage of any part of this paper without the written c onsent of the Offs hore Technol ogy Conferenc e is prohibited. P ermissi on to reproduc e in pri nt is restric ted to an abstrac t of not more than 300 words ; illustrations may not be copi ed. The abstract must c ontain c onspic uous ack nowledgment of OTC c opyri ght.