A study was conducted on plankton dynamics of Kanke reservoir in relation to selected physico chemicalparameters from 10 September 2020 to 10 July 2021. Total ten sampling stations were chosen based onwater characteristics. Overall water quality parameters (Temperature, DO, CO2, TH, TA, Nitrate, Phosphateand pH) were found in the limits suggested for aquaculture practices except few station like STN 1, 4, and5 shown poor water quality, this may be due to domestic sewage and organic matter load released fromlocal communities. In the present study, total 50 genera of phytoplankton were identified. Of which 24genera of Chlorophyceae, 12 genera of Bacillariophyceae, 11 genera of Cyanophyceae, 2 genera ofEuglenophyceae and 1 genera of Dinophyceae. The phytoplankton abundance shows sharp increase fromJanuary to April (pre-monsoon) with Chlorophyceae as the most dominant group and Euglenophyceae asthe least dominant. Similarly, total 13 genera of zooplankton were identified. It included 6 genera of Rotifers,4 genera of Cladocerans and 3 genera of Copepods. A positive correlation was noticed between temperatureand phytoplankton in the Kanke reservoir. All group of zooplankton showed very lowabundance duringmonsoon, however, there was an increase in abundance during pre-monsoon, and highestabundance value was recorded during post-monsoon months. Findings of the present study shows that the waterquality of Kanke reservoir is still safe for aquaculture practices except few stations. But the sign ofdeteriorating water quality is started to appear as algal scam/bloom formation. The findings of this studywill serve as a baseline data for further investigations, comparing the future changes in this reservoir andto conserve this ecosystem.